For the first time in 600 years, a Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is retiring, rather than die in office. Pope Benedict XVI has decided that he is too frail and weak to lead the good fight against the secular wolves in the world, as well as the wolves inside the Vatican. This great man, who survived the Nazi terrors of his youth (he deserted the Nazis after he was forcible drafted), and who is the greatest theologian in the history of the Church, will now be a prayer warrior in a monastery inside the Vatican. For sure, the devil is trembling at that prospect. God, in His infinite wisdom, chose a loyal son of Germany to hold the keys to His Kingdom in these last days, almost 500 years after an apostate heretic son of Germany, Martin Luther, confused the world of Christianity forever.
Pope Benedict XVI has numerous accomplishments in his 8 year reign as supreme Pontiff:
- Fixing the homosexual priest/altar boy scandal - He elevated the cases from the Diocesan level to the Vatican level, so that bishops could no longer cover up the crimes of their buddies in the priesthood (Cardinal Mahoney was famous for doing this), AND he has prohibited young men who have homosexual tendencies from entering the seminaries (Archbishop Weakland, formerly of Milwaukee, actually encouraged this practice). As a result, the number of new cases of priest attacks on altar boys is practically non-existent.
- Setting up the Anglican Ordinariate - Now, Anglicans who are repulsed by the activities of the Anglican Church can become Catholic, and bring their high-church rite with them. Married Anglican priests can now become Catholic priests, and bring their wives with them, although they cannot ever remarry, should the wife die, and they cannot become bishops.
- Reaching out to the SSPX - Pope Benedict XVI has really tried his best to reunite the apostate SSPX in France, but for the most part, the SSPX has not responded in kind. The SSPX has bishops who believe the holocaust never happened, and their leader, Bishop Fellay, has said that the Jews are the enemy of the church. The SSPX does not believe that Vatican II was a valid conclave, inspired by the Holy Spirit. They believe that Vatican II is not in line with the sacred Tradition of the Catholic Church which preceded it. His outreach to these "traditionalists" may not bear fruit in his lifetime, but for sure, he did plant the seeds.
- Reinstituting the Tridentine Latin Mass - On July 7, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI, in his Motu Proprio, stated that any priest can say the Latin Mass WITHOUT the permission of his Bishop, should the laity want it. Previously, most bishops had relegated the Latin Mass to obscurity, either never having one, or having one said in the diocese in an out of the way place, at an inconvenient time.
- Fixing the erroneous Mass translation of the 1970 missal - The 1970 missal had huge errors in mistranslations, such as "and also with you" for "et cum spiritu tuo (and with your spirit). Now, the Mass is being said per the original Latin text, not what some 1970 translator wished it would have said.
- His 3 books - Jesus of Nazareth - Are timeless gems of insight into the life of Christ, from the Bible. They tie old testament propehicies (many of which are obscure to the average reader) to the life of Christ, which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
- Reaching out to the Orthodox Church - Pope Benedict has reached out to the Orthodox Church, which bolted away from the Hole See of Peter in 1054. After almost 1000 years of being separate, the Orthodox Church with its holy rites and 7 sacraments are almost ready to reunite, thanks to the efforts of Blessed John Paul the Great and Pope Benedict XVI.
In spite of all of this, there are many cretins in the world today who DEMAND that Pope Benedict XVI be arrested and tried for the crimes of 2% of his priests in the homosexual altar boy scandal. Well fine. Let's also arrest President Obama for all of the crimes of all of the servicemen under his command, and hold him accountable for rape and sexual harrassment, which is so prevalent in the US military today! Then, let's arrest Hillary Clinton for the 4 deaths at Benghazi, which happened under her watch as Secretary of State!
May God bless this great man, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI!