Thursday, December 13, 2012

Refuting Atheists

We now live in a world that is definitely NOT live and let live when it comes to religious beliefs in America.  Thanks to the media megaphone, atheists are coming out of the closet to not only proclaim their blindness, but to also ensure that stupid Christians are put in their place and/or enlightened to their false belief that "there is no God."  The atheist scientist Richard Dawkins, who is NOT a theologian but who pretends to be one in the hopes that gullible people will believe that a person with degrees in science can expound on things he is not qualified as a professional to speak on, says that Christians should be publicly ridiculed for their beliefs. So much for the theory that atheists are "nice people."  I'm pretty sure Dawkins would not want to read a book on science written by the Pope, because Dawkins would consider the Pope to be completely unqualified to talk about science. But yet Dawkins wants us to listen to him talk about theology, as if he is somehow qualified to do so because he is a scientist.  This just in...YOU CAN'T PUT GOD UNDER A MICROSCOPE, because God is a pure spirit, and science doesn't address spirits!

Psalm 14:1-3 states:

"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."  They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is no one who does good.  The LORD looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any that act wisely, who seek after God.   They have all gone astray, they are all alike corrupt; there is none that does good, no, not one."

St. Paul quotes this scripture in Romans 3:10, again emphasizing that people who do not believe in God have gone astray and can do no good.  Why?  Because even though they may do some good things with their lives like giving blood, giving money to charity, etc., in the long run, if they do not seek after God, they become corrupt in the end.

The Wisdom of Solomon 13:1-9 states:

"For all men who were ignorant of God were foolish by nature; and they were unable from the good things that are seen to know him who exists, nor did they recognize the craftsman while paying heed to his works;  but they supposed that either fire or wind or swift air, or the circle of the stars, or turbulent water, or the stars of heaven were the gods that rule the world.  If through delight in the beauty of these things men assumed that they were gods, let them know how much better than these is the Lord, for the author of beauty has created them.   And if men were amazed at their power and working, let them understand from them how much more powerful is he who formed them.  For from the greatness and beauty of created things comes a resulting perception of their Creator.  Yet these men are little to be blamed, for perhaps they went astray while seeking God and desiring to find him.  For as they live among his works they keep searching, and they trust in what they see, because the things that they see are beautiful.   Yet again, not even they are excused;  for if they had the power to know so much that they could investigate the world, how could they fail to find sooner the Lord of these things?"

The above quote from the Wisdom of Solomon explains exactly the problem with atheist scientists, and that is that they cannot see the forest for the trees.  For example, right now, planet earth is hurtling around the sun at a speed slightly in excess of 66,000 miles an hour, and it is spinning on its axis at the equator a little bit more than 1000 miles an hour.  And yet no one feels all of this speed!  I challenge anyone to get on an aircraft going 66,000 miles an hour and NOT fasten your seat belt!  God so designed the world that we would not feel this, and He did so with perfect timing and order, each year, every year. It took Pope Gregory to invent the calendar named after him, which takes into account that there are approximately 365 1/4 days in one year.  That would be the Catholic Pope Gregory, by the way, and we still use his calendar today!

Atheist scientists make the mistake of believing that the world can only be looked at in scientific ways, using the scientific method of discovery. These are the same scientists who claim that matter exploded (where exactly did this "matter" come from?) during the Big Bang, which created carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (the building blocks of the universe), and which then morphed into the earth and the solar system with perfect timing and order (clockwork) and beauty, with living, procreating humans and animals and plants in an environment perfectly suited to protect them from the radiation and meteors falling from outer space.  Well, if that is all true, I really want to see that whole process recreated in a lab setting using the scientific method!  And what they don't tell you is that it was a Belgian Catholic priest, Fr. Georges Lemaitre, who came up with the theory of the Big Bang, and who explained it all to Einstein, and who eventually adopted the priest's theory!

But the scientific method does not address many questions, like "Why are we here?"  "What is the meaning of life?"  "How come men and women are attracted to each other, and are perfectly formed to unite with each other to procreate?"  The last question is one that simply cannot be an accident of the big bang, but one which screams intelligent design. Big bangs in the world we live in never create timing, order, and beauty. The big bangs of 9/11, Mount St. Helens, Krakatoa, etc., all created chaos, the opposite of intelligent design.

I will close with one great example of intelligent design, a deciduous tree. A deciduous tree starts out as a seed, or acorn. It falls to the ground and becomes food for the squirrels. The squirrels take the acorn and eat it in a different location, and then it is excreted with the squirrel's droppings, which is also fertilizer. The fertilized acorn starts to grow where the squirrel defecated it. It starts out so small you can't see it, but after 100 years it becomes 70 feet tall. The deciduous tree provides shade from the hot sun, and becomes a home for the squirrels and for the birds.  In the winter, it sheds its leaves, which turn into fertilizer for its roots. The bare tree then lets more sunlight through to warm up the cold ground. Then the cycle is repeated all over again.

The fool says in his heart that this is "mother nature," but the Christian cannot fathom how all of this can just be an accidental result of a big bang!

And I haven't even talked about the marvel of the design of the human eye transmitting images to the brain yet!  Now THAT is truly intelligent design!

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